Leah Maree Wilkinson-EvolutionaryAstrologer
Princess Leah is the 22nd x Great Granddaughter of 'Robert the Bruce' King of Scots'
Leah has the duplicate astrology chart to ex-UK MI5 Spy David Shayler a psychic-mystic
Pièce de Résistance-Meet Stuart & L
On 31st May 2024, after publishing this website I received a government letter confirming their investigations are closed...'The Commission has regard to the outcome of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) findings of 1 April 2024 and has decided the complaint should be terminated under section 39(1)(e) of the Health Care Complaints Act 1993 (the Act)'....the juxtapostion of these matters and my whistleblowing are a government diversionary strategy to avoid my original submisssion, 3 1/2 years ago, on 27th December 2020, to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation of People with a Disability concerning my colleagues in NSW Health-Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Directorates in Australia. I was falsely accused of reporting my colleagues for Paedophilia and I was prosecuted by the NSW State Australian government for an allegation of an 'Impairment' that is not verifiable by my treating clinicians. My misrepresentation is similar to Shayler's matter-His Honour Martin Stephens obituary & COINTELPRO 5.0: Unraveling the Web of Gangstalking, Deep State, Intrigues, Societal Engineering, and Surveillance Unveiled"(8 Feb 2024) Charlie Armstrong Adams. The Illuminati Mafia used the Chlemsford deep-sleep therapy methods to control their victims, using stimulants & sedatives including microphones,-illegal surveillance devices. In 2021 I was blackmailed in the Psychology Council of NSW Australia, by the colleagues of the former President of the Australian Psychological Society, Bob Montgomery-convicted Paedophile, to not disclose child abuse in the NSW Health Mental Health Drug & Alcohol directorates. My internet & telephone are being hacked at the time these disclosures on 6th June 2024. I have tried to change internet providers from Telstra to Optus in Australia but I am getting obstructions after I moved my AHPRA location to Osbourne Park Western Australia. I have channelled that grand theft auto is running between Broken Hill & Perth. As we speak they are attempting identity theft on my Self-Managed Superannuation Fund with an excess of AUD $ 2 Million Dollars in assets that a philanthropist can use as dowry with an Australian Passport.
Astrological Prediction:
'Prince Andrew will reclaim his $15M setttlement from Giuffre' Principle-Doli Capax Virginia Giuffre has reportedly settled an allegation of being sex trafficked to Prince Andrew for $15 Million. Virginia Giuffre's astrology chart gives a clue to her past actions, with her Natal Mars in the 12th house. Incidentally, Virginia's Natal Mars squares her Natal Pluto, found in the astrology charts of convicted Italian Mafia style murderers. In July 2026 Virginias's Uranus opposition (Midlife Crisis) & Uranus conjunct Chiron (confrontation with a wound, an inner turmoil, childhood traumas) will be firstly touched by transiting Mars, energising the lessons of money, secrets, spirituality & the Mafia subculture. Virginia's Natal Mars is close to 29 degrees calling for introspection. As long as the energy of the sign and planet or house remain unconscious, we will be driven by our insecurities and/or dissatisfactions. It is likely that Prince Andrew will reclaim his settlement with Giuffre at this time with Virginina's 12th House Natal Mars (needs to feel emotionally safe) squaring Pluto, the planet of Money, Death, destruction & spiritual rebirth. Virginia, born in 1983, is a Chinese Pig, who are known in Astrology as the mortal enemy of the Chinese Snake. Princess Leah could be Virginia's next target, as the Royal Snake Cousin of Prince Andrew, with Virginia's geographical relocation to Perth, Australia. (17hrs direct flight time to London with QANTAS). Princess Leah's direct ancestor was Henry Stuart, 2nd Husband to Mary Queen of Scots, Father of James VI of Scotland & 1 of England via Sir John Stewart of Bonkyl (b.1298) & his son Sir James Stewart 1st Baron of Pearston (b.1276) , via his son Sir Robert Stewart of Shambothy and Innermeath (b.1325), via his son Sir John Stewart of Innermeath (b.1350) via his Daughter Janet (aka Jean) Stewart (b.1395), married Sir David Bruce 4th Baron of Clackmannan (b.1388), mother to Sir John Bruce, 5th Baron of Clackmannan & Rait (b.1420)...' They Call me Bruce'.... The video (below-left) is evidence of illegal surveillance of my laptop and is now an exhibit of an international indictable offence on 26th May 2024. I am recording alone in my bedroom and the laughter is the cybercriminal. I really am an interesting victim and we are in positon to have restorative justice. Alexander Bruce born in Scotland in about 1770 was my 6th Generation Scottish great grandfather. He died before 25th October 1848 in Portmoak, Kinross, Perthshire, Scotland. Alexander Bruce married Janet Creig on 6th December 1800 in Portmoak, Scotland. The child from this marriage was James Bruce born about 1806 in Portmoak, Scotland. James Bruce married Ellen White before 1831 in Scotland. James Bruce died on 16th Novemeber 1852 in Turon Goldfield, New South Wales, Australia about age 46 and was buried in Sofala, New South Wales, Australia. The cause of death was a mining accident. My great great grandfather Michael Bruce was born to James and Ellen Bruce on May 26th 1837 in Abotshall, Fife, Scotland. Michael Bruce married Catherine Begg on 18th May 1868 in Adelong, New South Wales Australia. Catherine Begg was born on 7 th September 1852 in Paisley, Scotland. Michael and Catherine Bruce had eleven children and they had 29 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. My great grandfather Robert Begg Bruce was born to Michael and Catherine Bruce and they had three children. My grandmother, Alma Lucy Bruce ,was the 2nd child of Robert and Catherine Bruce. My mother, Lynette Lorraine Herrington, was the eldest child born to Alma Lucy Bruce and James Desmond Herrington on 8th April 1943, one of Michael and Catherine Bruce's 20 great grand children. I am the eldest child of Lynette Lorraine and Alan William Wilknson who married on 31st July 1965 at Ryde, New South Wales, Australia.
The Children of James Merret and Martha Ponting
Paternal Grandfather Wilkinson-Catt lineage. James Catt (b.1836) Northiam, Rother District, East Sussex, England. Died 24th January 1886 Carlingford NSW Australia.
Lineage traced back to John De Catte Cady (b.1450) married Mary De Catte (Pelham) (b.1450), daughter of Sir Knight John Pelham III of Laughton, Sussex, Treasurer of England Sheriff of Surrey, Escures.
Minnie Evenlyn Catt-Wilkinson (1885-1923) was my Paternal great grandmother.Princess Leah's autobiography 'The Astrology Craft' will be published by eBook in 2024. Leah's Story is similiar to 'Lindy Chamberlain' the Australian woman who was wrongfully convicted in one of Australia's most publicised murder trials. It was a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be unravelled that involved the secret society of the Illuminati.
'...The actual character of the society was an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies. Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, whom they did not know: a party structure that was effectively adopted by some later groups...'
The recidivist offender, that drugged her Milo drink during an Astrology session in September 2007, was a member of the Illuminati-Mafia. The Illuminati Astrologer then senselessly stalked, intimidated & harassed Leah Maree Wilkinson, as the wife of a NSW Police Senior Sergeant, in the Bega Valley NSW Australia.
On 1 May 1776 Johann Adam Weishaupt founded the "Illuminati" in the Electorate of Bavaria Germany. After Pope Clement XIV's suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773, Weishaupt became a professor of canon law, a position that was held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time. In 1775 Weishaupt was introduced to the empirical philosophy of Johann Georg Heinrich Feder of the University of Göttingen. Both Feder and Weishaupt would later become opponents of Kantian idealism.
'...At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the benefit of people. I wished to do what the heads of the ecclesiastical and secular authorities ought to have done by virtue of their offices...'
Schneider, Heinrich (2005) [1947]. Quest for Mysteries: The Masonic Background for Literature in 18th Century Germany. Kessinger Publishing. p. 24 .
Initially, Illumination was designated for a group of outstanding and enlightened individuals in society. Indeed, the word was adapted from a Latin root, Iluminatus, which directly translates to "enlightened." He also adopted the name of "Brother Spartacus" within the order. The Illuminati was formed with the vision of liberating humans from religious bondage and undermining corrupted governments.
Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath", at Munich in 1777. His project of "illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason, which will dispel the clouds of superstition and of prejudice" was an unwelcome reform. He used Freemasonry to recruit for his own quasi-masonic society, with the goal of "perfecting human nature" through re-education to achieve a communal state with nature, freed of government and organized religion. Presenting their own system as pure masonry, Weishaupt and Adolph Freiherr Knigge, who organized his ritual structure, greatly expanded the secret organization. After Weishaupt’s death, Giuseppe Mazzini an Italian loyalist became the leader of the Illuminati in 1834. Moreover, Giuseppe was able to attain a 33rd ranking of a Mason while in school at Genoa University. Furthermore, Mazzini formed a feared group called the MAFIA meaning “Mazzini Autofizza Furti, Incendi, and Avvelengmeni” in Italian or “Mazzini authorizes thefts, fires, and poisonings” in the English language. In addition, the 1890’s started the influx of Italian immigrants, which paved the way for the merged practices of the US Illuminati and Mafia. In connection to the American Civil War, the feud was all about who will gain absolute control of the monetary supply in the US and issues on human labor only became a secondary priority of this warfare.
While Leah was being senselessly stalked, intimidated & harassed by the Illuminati astrologer she heard them discussing how to start fires using fiber optics. Working with fiber optic cables usually involves operating in tight or confined spaces, near power lines, and even atop tall poles. These factors create various safety hazards ranging from dropping a tool on yourself, being exposed to charged wires, high voltages, explosive gasses, and much more. DuPont™ Kevlar® is used as a strength member in fiber optics. The optical fibers in the cable have to be safeguarded against mechanical stresses to ensure their optimal performance. Kevlar®, normally applied in the periphery of the cable, helps provide the necessary protection. The Illuminati Astrology was using Kevlar® gloves. I was also too big to kidnap and put in the boot of a sedan motor vehicle. Freemasons trademark is a fraternity that sack people due connections in upper management, CEO's, Philanthropists, & Rotarians, The Rotary International is a humanitarian service organization founded in 1905. While it is not a secret society, it is a membership by invitation only. They operate multiple charitable endeavors. Conspiracy, Pornography & Democracy: The Recurrent Aesthetics of the American Illuminati. Fraser, Gordon. Journal of American Studies; Cambridge Vol. 54, Iss. 2, (May 2020): 273-294 Leah was being held as a mobile hostage to the Illuminati Italian Mafia who kidnapped and blackmailed her family while Leah was continually terminated from her employment as a health professional by the Freemason fraternity. Leah developed her company Metaphysical Health Therapies to create her own utopian ideology of employment, objecting to the use of employment as modern slavery. Metaphysical Health Therapies was an attempt at exposing the Italian Illuminati Mafia who cyberstalked her to stop her from exposing them. Italian Illuminati Mafia stalked her to corporate entities corupting them with blackmail involving money, power, sex, drugs & fraud. The Freemason fraternity own the building that houses the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal @ 66 Goulburn Street Sydney NSW Australia. The NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal restrict occupational licences including Health Professionals & Solicitors. Metaphysical Health Therapies evolved as a company in 2018 growing from a small business enterprise. The proprietary limited company consults predominately regarding metaphysical entities that effect health and well-being. Investment strategies incorporate commercial endeavors that promote and protect human rights. Espionage has been a successful tool used by Metaphysical Health Therapies in exposing government organisations that violate human rights in rural and remote communities. The LGBTIQA community supports Metaphysical Health Therapies as a Gay friendly Company that utilises security risk management strategies protecting the human rights and dignity of civil rights activists in Australia. The Chief Executive of Metaphysical Health Therapies is currently considering a merger with other non-government human welfare organisations to create divergent strategies that minimise the convergent implications of corruption within government organisations that declare allegiance to diversity and liberty for citizens in Australia.
On face value Metaphysical Health Therapies appears to be a fanatical plethorism of psychobabble born of eccentricism. However, it was a cry for help from the citizens of Australia to report the thieves and murderers that were hunting her day and night physically and through the ether of the night. Reporting this phenomenon risked Leah's santity as a reasonable person, exactly what the hostage-takers wanted for her destiny...No one to believe her, exposing their organised crimes and recidivist offending, was their plight as international human rights abusers. Terrorism was their offence as they used electrical frequencies to produce electromagnetic waves & sound that tortured their victims using psychosexual techniques of blackmail.
Leah lived in a remote mining community within a kilometre of the site of the first act of terrorism in Ausralia.
'...The attack. The only documented World War I assault to take place in Australia happened in Broken Hill on New Year's Day 1915. The Silverton Tramway Company lent its service to the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows to transport them out to Silverton for their annual celebration of 1 January...'
On 30th July 2007 her ex-husband, NSW Police Senior Sergeant Nowlan, organised a memorial to be erected for Senior Constable Kenneth Desmond Coussens. The Illuminati Astrologer then hypnotised her with the words'...you are going to be like 'Lindy Chamberlain'...' . The serial killer, groomed her family, and seduced her husband, as a bi-sexual offender, using pornography to blackmail his victims. Leah woke up during the Grevious Bodily Harm offence and was able to see and hear the Illuminati Astrologer hypnotising her and he used the 'click of his fingers' to snap command her out of the hypnotic state. During the astrology session, he stole Leah's house & car keys & bugged her house & car with listening devices & microphones. He followed Leah to Sydney with her NSW Police officer husband, stalked them to the 'Hyde Park Inn Hotel ' in Elizabeth Street Sydney, sat near their table at the formerTheo's restaurant @ 336 Pitt Street Sydney NSW. The Illuminati Astrologer, spoke in fluent Greek/Italian with the owner of the restaurant while she dined with her husband. The Illuminati Astrologer claimed to be born in Johannesburg, South Africa, a helicopiter pilot, with children born in 2001 & 2003 to a Ms Helen Jessop, a former hairdressing salon owner in Bega NSW Australia. He may have served in the UK with the RAF (UK) Special Air Services between 1977-1980. United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) is a directorate comprising the Special Air Service. He said he had a Capricorn Midheaven and he was a Scorpio Sun, probably born in 1957.
On 20th July 2007 @ about 3:30pm, I first met the Illuminati Astrologer when I attended a workshop in Bega on'The Bega Valley Community Website' that the Illuminati Astrologer ran under the company name 'AUSTCOM'. The business was based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The Italian community in Victoria is the largest in Australia. There are 384,688 people in Victoria who have Italian ancestry, of which 64,796 were born in Italy. He used the name 'Geoffrey Griggs' . After the workshop I purchased a Business membership for $550. A NSW Police administration officer, Lilliana Brown, had tried to introduce Geoffrey Griggs to me in the meal room at the Bega Police station a few months before but I refused to be introduced by Lilliana Brown as she was having a clandestine affair with my NSW Police officer husband.
This is a photo of the assailant taken on November 29 2011 in the Bega Valley posing as an ABC presenter, Geoff Griggs opened the kitchen garden and spent time discussing sustainability with students like Bella Hopkins and Leeanna Hayley-Perkins Bega District News.
In Australia Phone 131 444 if you know this man, he is dangerous. Internationally contact INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/en/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL. The thumbnail was off a facebook page in 2020. He is wanted for the crimes of drink spiking, grievous bodily harm, sexual assault, pornography, cybercrime, grand theft auto and identity theft.. He was involved in Community Gardens/Transition Towns. Con Artist wears differents disguises, hair colours, speaks fluent Italian/ Greek. Homosexual/Bisexual Scorpio born 1957. He uses illegal surveillance devices to offend includng, listening devices, microphones, optical surveillance, illegally intercepts text, telephone and email. Stalks, intimidates and harasses using motor vehicles, motel rooms, aeroplanes, electronically. He has been stalking me internationally through America, Hawaii, Italy, Switzerland, New Caledonia. In Australia he stalked me in Darwin, Broome, Adelaide, Perth, Norfolk Island, Queensland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Tasmania. He has been a Tasmanian resident before 2007.https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/30-spike-in-rate-of-australian-women-killed-by-intimate-partner-last-year-data-shows
The Illuminati Astrologer, started tourist Helicopter flights in 2008 at Merimbula Airport NSW & trained helicopter pilots. He also had a job as a 'chef/cook' at the 'Wheeler's Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar @ Pambula, across the road from the Merimbula Airport in 2008//2009. The Illuminati Astrologer, was also a member of ' Integrated Property Services', a security company in Canberra ACT Australia. He lived at Bombala, NSW, behind an Equine therapist according to the The Bega Valley Community Website in 2008/2009 although he claimed also to live at @ a property called 'Springvale' NSW with Ms Helen Jessop & his children. His sister-in-law was Rhonda. D. Whetham Tharwa, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Helen Jessop, Geoffrey Griggs & Rhonda. D. Whetham were polyamorous. It is possible that they practiced Witchcraft through the 'Church of All Worlds (CAW)' at Wyndham NSW. However, Leah survived...by being a spiritual, heterosexual, psychic medium. Leah 'channelled ' that the serial killer was a 'thief ' & that his real name was 'Brian' & that '...he will rip your life apart...' . Although feeling scared at the prediction, Leah attended the 'Astrology Session' and wore a clear quartz crystal terminator over her solar plexus, in a money belt, that she bought from a market at Kiama NSW Australia, & an Amethyst Crystal necklace, Jewellery she bought from 'Feminique', at the same market. Leah wore the Amethyst over her Thymus Chakra. The Thymus Chakra is one of the most pivotal Chakras, which is also known as the 'seat of the soul'. Commonly referred to as the 'Higher Heart Chakra', Thymus Chakra opening symptoms are represented through unconditional love (free of ego), spiritual growth, great immunity, compassion and forgiveness. If you look into the crystal ball you will see the face of Geoffrey Griggs as the clear quartz terminator is pointing at the Crystal Ball. The voice of the Illuminati Astrologer was trapped in her Aura, but she was safe as she knew where he was at all times & what his thoughts were. Although, he had seduced Leah's family she was able to look, listen & feel like an ASIO agent & profiled his Modus Operandi as a car thief, a cyber criminal & a sex offender. The Illuminati Astrologer was discussing that her body was too big to kidnap & fit in the boot of a car. The Illuminati Astrologer was leasing motor vehicles to run his business & used car trailers. He was also discussing using Kevlar® gloves as well. Microphones were being used in peoples' cars and houses to hypnotise them in their sleep. The Illuminati Astrologer would use recorded sounds to keep his victims from sleeping so they couldn't study or work. These sounds would also conceal a break & enter to their property or their neighbours property. Transitors were being used in peoples' cars, houses and garages as well as GPS tracking sytems to stalk his victims.The Illuminati Astrologer would ring his victims to harass them and their families & interupt important conversations. Her family were in danger and she was as well. The Illuminati Astrologer selected Leah as a victim as her mother had used a firearm to complete her suicide, an alabi valuable to a serial killer. The Illuminati Astrologer researched Leah's childhood contacts to profile her psychological history and he followed her to the dentist to obtain her dental records. The Illuminati Astrologer befriended NSW Police & sexualised them, to blackmail them into assisting him, as a recidivist offender, by the use of High Magic, the occult, as a former Freemason.
The crystal magic that Leah used involved a Crystal Ball she bought from the old Adyar Store, an independent alternative and metaphysical bookshop, formerly in Clarence Street Sydney Australia. Opened in 1922 by the Sydney branch of the obscure Theosophical Society, the Adyar was once Australia's biggest one-stop shop for all things metaphysical, from Zen and Chinese astrology to crystals and chakra cleansing.The crystals (left) infused Leah's Aura with protective 'White magic' that kept her safe from the 'Black magic' of the Illuminati Astrologer.
Whilst publishing this information on 4th February 2024, on my website, my internet disconnected, and I went to Coles Supermarket, in Broken HIll NSW Australia, to buy some bread. I could hear my middle sister, a Piscean Pig (52), self-confessed Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous & Sex Addicts Anonymous member, was yelling out that '...she's not a psychologist...'.., part of the Domestic Family Violence.
I am now cooking a 289g eye fillet beef steak, with onion and peppercorn sauce, for Sunday lunch, during a heatwave in Australia. I am also drinking a cool Dutch pale lager beer, Heineken. I enjoy life...
Latest News 3rd February 2024
'...she is the wife of a paedophile...and an alcoholic...'
On 18th December 2023 there were recent allegations of Stalk, Intimidate, Harass and use illegal surveillance equipment from relatives of the Director of Student Services of Country Universities Centre-Far West at Broken Hill, the 'Persons of Interests' in my Workers Compensation case at the NSW Health-Far West Local Health District, Australia.
'...On 20th September 2023 @ 8:30hrs '...I was followed to the toilet, after being illegally surveilled, by Student Ambassadors who stated with laughter that they were on a 'toilet roster', while they were in the 'Quiet Room' 3-4 metres from my body, at an Australian Commonwealth Government funded Country Universities Centre (CUC)...' After following me to the toilet and back into the the foyer the Student Ambassador stated '..she doesn't smell like grog...' to one of the staff...'
'...On 19th August 2023 on my first day at the Country Universities Centre @ approximately 07:30hrs, I was alone with a male student member at the Country Universities Centre-Far West at Broken Hill. He stated he was an Aboriginal Team Leader from the RFDS Social and Emotional Well-being Team. After a conversation about the Far West Local Health District & the facilities at the Country Universities Centre-Far West at Broken Hill, he then left the 'Quiet Room' and he
said, just outside the door to the male toilet, 'she is not sexualised'...'
'...On 31st January 2024 @ approximately 08:45hrs, two staff at the Country Universities Centre-Far West at Broken Hill had a conversation after I left their office stating '...she is the wife of a Paedophile...', referring to my presence in the Country Universities Centre, where I enquired concerning the recently advertised '...Expression of Interest - 3 x casual positions at CUC Far West...', Program Delivery Support Officer & Cleaner. I was leaving the kitchen at the CUC and was within 2-3 metres of their open office door...'
These comments were made about me in an Australian Commonwealth Government funded education facility supporting Higher Education Access and Equity. After publishing this website I made a complaint to the Assistant Secretary, Higher Education Access and Equity & the Director of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, concerning the Country Universities Centre Far West - Broken Hill, including the CEO Country Universities Centre.
At the time of writing this website on 24th January 2024 my Vertex (Destiny) is conjunct Prince Andrew, Duke of York's progressed Sun in Taurus on the waxing gibbous Moon with Full Moon conjunct Prince Andrew's natal Ascendant in Leo on 25th January 2024 (UTC-17:53). I woke up In Broken Hill Australia on the Leo Full Moon at 04:23am (-10:30hrs UTC) as usual, with my birthtime being 04:45hrs in Broken Hill, and is now the waning Gibbous Moon. My Leo dogs were fast asleep, signaling all is well. If I could give people one piece of advice always trust animal spirit. When I was in danger once a bird cried out from a tree loudly and I turned around quickly and a man, I knew was a predator, was sitting under the tree watching me. Much like Prince Andrew, I have been under illegal surveillance for almost 15 years now, and I have been experiencing complex grief. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss American psychiatrist and pioneer of studies on dying people, wrote “On Death and Dying,” the 1969 book in which she proposed the patient-focused, death-adjustment pattern, the “Five Stages of Grief.” Those stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Prince Andrew: Epstein-Barr Virus or Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy are factitious disorders characterized by fabrication or induction of signs or symptoms of a disease, as well as alteration of laboratory tests. People with this syndrome pretend that they are sick and tend to seek treatment. However, Epstein-Barr virus is a common and highly contagious infection. It spreads through bodily fluids, especially spit. The Enneagram personality test say that 'Type One's' may have rumors of sexual scandals crop up from time to time with a tendency for obsessions.
In the 1994 movie 'Muriel's Wedding' the actor Toni Collette, plays a young social outcast, Muriel, in a remote Australian town, Porpoise Spit. Muriel steals money from her parents to finance a vacation where she hopes to find happiness, and perhaps love. Where I live is similar and I call it 'Purposeful Spit'. Both purposeful spitting and difficulty managing saliva (drooling) are behaviors that may be seen in some people with disabilities. The people that are illegally surveilling me have disabilities that the 'State of NSW' in Australia are wholly and predominantly responsible for their actions, but refuse to accept liability and are therefore negligent and is the basis for my legal right of claim for damages. For the people in 'Purposeful Spit' it is just another perpetual day of intergenerational libel & slander. If you are having trouble understanding the differences between 'perpetrate' & 'perpetuate', you're not the only one. These verbs are commonly confused. The verb 'perpetrate' means to commit, carry out, or bring about. The verb 'perpetuate' means to prolong the existence of or to cause to last indefinitely.
NSW Ministry of Health -'Yes Minister'
Starring 'Basket-Case' in a 'Bumbling Conundrum of Foolish Hogwash'
In 2003 I was recruited to the NSW Health Child & Adolescent Mental Health StateWide Network (CAMHSNET) (pp.24-25) employed through NSW Hunter Area Health Service to provide Paediatric Mental Health Consultation-Liaison Services to the Paediatric Ward at Bega District Hospital. The 26 Million Dollar project was a three year trajectory to develop regional network services with teleconference facilities, incuding a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist & Clinical Nurse Consultant based at Wollongong, Dubbo & Newcastle, NSW Australia. Within eight months there had been a change in strategic development & leadership resulting in the service being audited and recommendations were made to devolve the services locally. Consequently, in September 2006 the role in Bega was devolved to be managed by Greater Southern Area Health Service. Over the last 20 years I have worked in several different Mental Health Directorates within NSW Health and the staff have had significant illicit drug use.
Finally ....Now 88% Australians (down 6% from 2017) rate Nurses 'very high' or 'high' for their 'ethics and honesty'. Health professionals are clustered near the top with Nurses followed by Doctors on 82% (down 7% since 2017), Pharmacists on 76% (down 8%) and Dentists on 71% (down 8%). Roy Morgan Research 2021
NSW Health-Harm minimisation responses to forensic health issues?
Harsher penalities for Parol violators? Welfare strategies for criminal behaviour is already part of the Corrective Services NSW approach to rehabilitation in gaols. My experience has been the Zero Tolerence for aggression & Violence in NSW Health facilities does not address the illicit drug use of the offender. All iCare (NSW Government Insurer) employees have the right to a safe workplace free of abusive, aggressive or violent behaviour. iCare has a zero tolerance policy on aggression and violence against its employees. While working at a NSW Health facility in 2017 my manager made a fist and took a swing at me in a meeting room where I was being 'mobbed' by a group of health professionals. I reported the incident to the People Matter Employee Survey. The survey asked ' Have you ever been physically assaulted by your manager? Reporting the incident in a room full of offenders who 'gaslight' as part of coercive control and threats is the danger, as reporting means risking a diagnosis of 'Paranoia'. The manager had a Mental Health diagnosis with substance use that exacerbated her disinhibited and aggressive behaviours. Fortunately, I was able to resign with 6 months salary as initial compensation, excluding workers compensation. 5 years later NSW Health & iCare are assessing their liability as there are still ongoing incidents involving illegal surveillance activities, stalking, intimidation & harassment, that the NSW Police are investigating. My injuries include Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & hypertension. My matter is similar to a Workers Comepensation case; Marlene Galea 27 July 2020 Citation: [2020] NSWWCC 253
1. Marlena Galea (the applicant) suffered an accepted psychological injury in the course
of her employment as a disability support worker with Secretary, Department of Communities and Justice (the respondent). The injury arose out of both a protracted
assault on the applicant by a patient and from the actions of her co-workers. That injury has a deemed date of 26 July 2013.
2. On 24 December 2015, the applicant was in a local shopping centre when she saw a former colleague. As a result of seeing that former colleague, the applicant developed Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (TCM), which the parties agree is a heart attack injury for
the purposes of section 9B of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (the 1987 Act). The applicant claims the heart attack injury was a frank injury or in the alternative a consequential condition to her accepted psychological injury...
7. The permanent impairment arising out of the applicant’s heart attack injury is 20% whole person impairment.
8. The respondent is to pay the applicant permanent impairment compensation in the amount of $48,940 in respect of a 20% whole person impairment suffered as a result of
the applicant’s heart attack injury suffered on 24 December 2015.'
Bega Bombing Memorial 2007-Myron Bertram Kelly
On 30th July 2007 my ex-husband, NSW Police Senior Sergeant Nowlan, organised a memorial to be erected for Senior Constable Kenneth Desmond Coussens. On 29 July 1957 at 2:10 am, in the Australian town of Bega, New South Wales, Myron Bertrand Kelly detonated a bomb at a private residence in Bega to murder local police officer, Senior Constable Kenneth Desmond Coussens, his wife Elizabeth Mary Hamilton Coussens and their eight-month-old son Bruce James John Coussens. Elizabeth Coussens' 9-year-old son from a previous marriage, Roger McCampbell, survived the explosion. I was working with Myron Bertrand Kelly's relatives at the Bega District Hospital, at the time of the erection of the memorial. What ensued was a horror story where my car was stolen, I was drugged & sexually assaulted (GBH), after being stalked, intimidated, harassed & tortured, as a NSW Health 'On-Call Sexual Assault Worker' & NSW Health 'Child & Adolescent Mental Health Nurse'. The perpetrators used illegal surveillance to follow us to Sydney, Gold Coast, including numerous trips to Nelson Bay NSW & beyond. The perpetrators followed us to my former Mother-In-Law's house in Lake Tabourie NSW, where my ex-husband's other relatives resided also. I was then followed overseas to twice to Hawaii (2008 & 2009) & thrice to Italy (2014-2016), Brisbane QLD, Broome WA, Adealide SA, Hobart & Launceston TAS & Melbourne VIC from 2007-2023. I was also illegally surveilled on an 8-night cruise at the 'Education at Sea' workshop 'Psychotropic drugs: are they the panacea in contemporary society? ' departing Sydney 16th November 2013 on the Carnival Sprit, destination New Caledonia, including Mystery Island, Vanuatu. The perpetrators befriended my ex-husband &, as bi-sexual offenders, seduced my relatives with the intention of 'Obtain benefit by Deception' under the NSW Crimes Act 1900. Section 192E(1) makes it an offence for a person who, by any deception, dishonestly obtains property belonging to another or obtains a financial advantage or causes any financial disadvantage. The obtaining may be dishonest even if the person is willing to pay for the property: s 192E(2).
On 17th September 2007 I became a 'Bringing Them Home Counsellor' at Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community & Medical Services, Narooma NSW Australia. The corruption that followed was similar to the roles in NSW Health. Mr Damien Matcham, the former CEO of Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community and Medical Services (Katungul) was prosecuted with Fraud. The staff were given drug testing after Christmas Holidays in 2008 and 50% of the staff had to have drug & alcohol counselling and remain off work for 6 weeks to rehabilitate. As part of my contract of employment I was given a company car for personal use. In 2009, due to the corruption at Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community & Medical Services, my company fuel card was cancelled, and I was illegally surveilled during my employment and in my personal life. The CEO was surveilled breaking into my contracted company car,whilst garaged on my Private Property, trying to find my diary.
On 8th February 2010 I commenced employment at the NSW Health-Sydney West Area Health Service-Mental Health Network based at Katoomba. In 2013 the Sydney West Area Health Service devolved into two services; NSW Health-Western Sydney Local Health District & NSW Health-Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. In 2013, before the restructure, I witnessed three staff involved in a drug deal, in a NSW Health Mental Health Inpatient facility. These same people had also been illegally surveilling me outside of work, at home and when I travelled around the community, including to my Astrology course in Goulburn Street, Sydney, 2hrs drive from from my home.Consequently, I was transferred with a new contract of employment, after the investigation, to a new location at Hawkesbury Community Mental Health at Windsor NSW. Prior to being transferred I had to have an Independent Medical Examination.
On 19th September 2013 Dr Hong states that ‘…My overall impression is that it is possible that Ms Wilkinson may have had a recurrent brief psychosis or have a Delusional Disorder. It is also possible that she never had a psychiatric diagnosis, and she was the victim of a toxic work environment. I cannot form an opinion based based on the information available to me…Ms Wilkinson impressed me as intelligent, highly capable, and has a passion for self-directed learning. A psychiatric diagnosis may have a significant impact on her career as a psychiatric nurse and psychologist…’. I was consequently given a new contract as a Community Mental Health Clinician at Hawkesbury Community Mental Health Service-Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District based at Windsor NSW. On arrival my new manager at Windsor was reported to say, ' if she doesn't have a mental illness they are in alot of trouble for it'. On 12th August 2015 I was awarded criminal compensation, from the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, after I filed with for a breach of General Protection Laws , NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 with the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal.
Ms Heather Gray NSW Health Chief Executive Officer-1999-2023
My career was running parallel to Ms Heather Gray, where she was the CEO when I arrived in the Far West Area Health Service in April 1999, for my new appointment as a Mental Health Worker. Having worked at the Far West Area Health Service previously
in 1994 as a Community Midwife, I had taken 2 years leave without pay to travel with my now ex-husband on a secondement to an AusAid Project in Papua New Guinea. In September 2003, a timely event in NSW Health was the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer of Wentworth Area Health, Ms Heather Gray. Ms Gray brought with her the experience of 3½ years as CEO of Far West Area Health Service. In 2005 the number of area health services almost halved and administration jobs slashed in changes aimed at redirecting $150 million a year from support services to frontline medicine. Amalgamations cut the number of area health services from 17 to eight In 2005 . In 2005 Ms Gray became the CEO of Greater Southern Area Health Service, abbreviated GSAHS that was formed in January 2005 from the amalgamation of the former Greater Murray Area Health Service and Southern Area Health Service. I transferred to the Greater Southern Area Health servicei n 2006 where my CAMHSNET position devolved from Hunter Area Health Service . On 8th February 2010 I was appointed to the Sydney West Area Health Service as a Registered Nurse in the Mental Health Network. In May 2010, Ms Gray was appointed Chief Executive of the Sydney West Area Health Service after leaving her CEO appointment at the Greater Southern Area Health Service. In
2013 Ms Gray became the CEO of the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI), a leading provider of high quality training and education to support more than 110,000 clinical and non-clinical staff, trainers, managers, and leaders across the NSW health system.ICAC is what we need to do to our NSW State Government
In 2019 I filed a Fair Work Act claim in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia involving the 'Northern Beaches Hospital' in Sydney Australia. The hospital was a pilot for a Public Private Partnership agreement between NSW Ministry of Health and Healthscope Pty Ltd. Since 1985, Healthscope has grown to become Australia’s only national private hospital operator and healthcare provider. At the time I was a Health & Safety Representative, applying for a promotion. Due to industrial relations action I was unsuccessful at my application for a promotion after a breach of General Protection Laws. I had been given a 'Golden Handshake' from the NSW Ministry of Health in my previous two roles in 2015 & 2018 and I claimed an 'abuse of process'. An abuse of process is the unjustified or unreasonable use of legal proceedings or process to further a cause of action by an applicant or plaintiff in an action. It is a claim made by the respondent or defendant that the other party is misusing or perverting regularly issued court process (civil or criminal) not justified by the underlying legal action. In common law it is classified as a tort distinct from the intentional tort of malicious prosecution. It is a tort that involves misuse of the public right of access to the courts. In the United States it may be described as a legal process being commenced to gain an unfair litigation advantage. During my Federal Circuit Court matter there was a NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the Operation and Management of the Northern Beaches Hospital. 'Abuse of process' also contributes to Defamation of Character. The basic idea of defamation law is simple. It is an attempt to balance the private right to protect one's reputation with the public right to freedom of speech. Determined to be successful at my career, despite victimisation, I became a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse in 2021 and registered as a Psychologist in 2019 with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
After working in healthcare for over 40 years as a Health Practitioner and the last 25 years as a Mental Health Clinician, I can understand the complexities in abnormal psychology. But...what do we do with people that intentionally and defiantly break the law by running a private investigation business, when they are aware that their defence to breaking the law is that they have a mental illness? Just quietly, is also the reason that they do the work, as employment barriers have prevented them from having government jobs from which they would profit. Voyeurism is rewarded and antisocial behaviour is encouraged in these roles that use illegal surveillance equipment and techniques.
Covert surveillance uses a'Snatch & Grab' mentality rather than'intimacy' to understand motivation for behaviour. 'Snatch & Grab' is defined as 'to seize or grasp (something) suddenly or peremptorily to win' . When done repeatedly over a prolonged period of time
Snatch & Grab' causes 'adrenal exhaustion' (PTSD) as a predatory response to communication.
The privacy laws both in Australia and the UK use Government legislation to ensure that the privacy of individuals is not unnecessarily impinged upon by providing strict requirements around the installation, use and maintenance of surveillance devices. Therefore, court orders are required to use the surveillance equipment and strategies to protect privacy. In Australia, NSW Police can use surveillance without a court order to protect life and property with Domestic Family Violence and Drug Trafficking. The use of Drones, Listening devices, Optical surveillance including GPS Tracking and electronic surveillance of Smart Mobile Phones (Computers), electronically intercepting emails and triangulation methods to locate 'Person's of Interest' can be used.
After I reported illegal surveillance activities, I remain at risk of Domestic Family Violence, involving my colleagues in healthcare, where I was also a victim of Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH). GBH is any bodily injury of such a nature that, if left untreated, would endanger or be likely to endanger life, or cause or be likely to cause permanent injury to health. After those same colleagues used coercive control and threats (gaslighting) to fabricate evidence, a pseudo-disability (presumed disability) that allegedly fluctuates, where I report my colleagues through the appropriate legal statutes for crimes against the person and the property.
Although Government 'medical experts' cannot be sure, I may be experiencing a 'Paranoid Disorder' but the 'medical experts' still cannot be sure what sort of disorder. Differentially, there are a number of alternative diagnoses if I do not stop reporting my colleagues for offences related to; violence, abuse, neglect & exploitation, including hate crime and incidents. Despite completing am MMPI-2 test to eliminate symptoms of a mental health condition I was alleged to have a disorder that is 'likely to detrimentally affect' my capacity to practice my profession and a diagnosis is not necessary. However, the HEALTH PRACTITIONER REGULATION NATIONAL LAW in Australia does not have rules of evidence, they just have to believe, on the balance of probabilities, that you have a disorder that is 'likely to detrimentally affect' your capacity to practice your profession and a diagnosis is not necessary. Using subjective evidence of 'there have been concerns for quite sometime' from employers that the Health Practitioner might provide evidence that their colleagues are guilty of offences against the person or property. The alternative hypothesis is that the Health Practitioner may be a victim of 'toxic work environments' and has never had a diagnosis.
To date I have used the Disability Discrimination Act and Fair Work Act including the Independent Commission Against Corruption and Ombudsman to obtain justice while being exploited by the NSW Ministry Health, who incidentally, manage the State Health Professional Regulatory Authority. The NSW of Ministry of Health are mandated by law to implement the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 in NSW Australia. The Disability inclusion Act 2014 provides people with disability the rights to participate in and contribute to social and economic life and supports to develop and enhance their skills and experience. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) sets out the rights of people with disability generally and in respect of employment.
'Basket Case' forced to review Local Health Districts Model
NSW Premier Chris Minns has now established the Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding that formed a key election promise. Under the Special Commissions of Inquiry Act 1983, the Governor of New South Wales may commission a person (a current or former Judge or Justice or a person who is qualified to be a Judge or Justice) to inquire into and report on any matter. A Special Commission of Inquiry is established for this purpose. Mr Richard Beasley SC has been appointed as Commissioner of the Inquiry. The Letters Patent establishing the Inquiry were issued on 24 August 2023 with a view to having the Inquiry provide a final report by 24 August 2024. The purpose of the inquiry is to conduct a holistic review of the funding of health services in NSW. As part of the comprehensive review, the Inquiry will examine:
NSW Health governance - the existing governance and accountability structure of NSW Health, including:
the current operating model of the Local Health Districts, and the balance between central oversight and local decision making;
the engagement and involvement of local communities in health service development and delivery;
the effective implementation of state-wide reform programs and how governments can support this, as well as balancing priorities on both a system and a local level; and
the impact of privatisation and outsourcing on the delivery of health services and outcomes.
My submission to the Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding calls for a reform of the role and scope of workforce accreditation and registration under the Terms of Reference (F) -The current capacity and capability of the NSW Health workforce to meet the current needs of patients and staff, and its sustainability to meet future demands and deliver efficient, equitable and effective health services, including: the role and scope of workforce accreditation and registration.
The ethos of 'presumed innocent' is the protection of individual rights and liberties. It is an essential safeguard against wrongful convictions and abuses of state power. Placing the burden of proof on the prosecution ensures that individuals are not unjustly deprived of their freedom or reputation without compelling evidence. One of the key implications of the presumption of innocence is that the burden of proof rests squarely on the prosecution. This means that the prosecution has the responsibility to present evidence that proves the accused person’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal matters. This high standard of proof ensures that convictions are not based on mere suspicion or conjecture, but on solid and convincing evidence. In practice, this entails a rigorous and often adversarial process where the prosecution must build a compelling case, establish the elements of the alleged offence, and demonstrate the defendant’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. The presumption of innocence creates a protective shield around the accused, requiring the State to meet a high threshold before depriving an individual of their liberty. However, State Registered Health Practitioners are not given the same liberties at law as in criminal matters.
As a Human rights activist, at the core of my being, with Mars and Venus including asteroids Lilith, Pallas Athena and Juno in my second Astrology house of what I value, I also object vehemently to criminal matters being granted suppression orders while civil allegations of an alleged health condition are deemed to be public property. The 'court jester' approach to health conditions being prosecuted publicly as 'unsatisfactory professional conduct' requiring discipline is against International Human Rights Law 'Protection and care of the wounded and sick.' During an investigation the defendant (health practitioner) has the right to not participate in an alleged 'abuse of process', in the course of a government investigation, to preserve the integrity of the investigation that consequently has the potential to breach Health Privacy laws in Australia.
If a judge decides to permit a psychologist to testify as an expert, the judge must then decide the probative value of testimony. In criminal cases in the United States, the MMPI-2 has generally been admissible and useful in identifying mental illness. Given the utility of the MMPI-2 in identifying symptoms of mental illness, the test has been used to assess an offender's potential mental illness that might result in a stay of execution based on the competency to be executed standard. In Australia, the MMPI-2 is not the civil or criminal standard of proof that will provide the evidence for 'beyond reasonable doubt' or the 'balance of probabilities' required to dismiss the matter.
NSW Health is bound by a privacy framework, principally being the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act) which applies to health privacy, and Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) which applies to non-health personal information. The Government medical reports are allegedly 'protected reports' but are quoted publicly in Principal Judgments on a Public website.
Royal Family Tree
Her Royal Highness Princess Leah of Scotland is Cousin to His Royal Majesty King Charles III of England. In the British monarchy, the granddaughter of a king or queen (current or former) born into the male line (a daughter of the son of a monarch) is entitled to the style “Her Royal Highness Princess". Princess Leah is the 22nd x Great Granddaughter of 'Robert the Bruce' King of Scots. Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the 20th x Great Granddaughter of 'Robert the Bruce' King of Scots. King Robert 1 of Scotland 1306-1329 was Earl of Garrick, Seventh Lord of Annandale. There have been 13 British monarchs since the political union of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland on 1 May 1707. Princess Leah comes from a line of Knights and Kings and her parents wedding photo (left) attest to her facial features as being born of 'Robert the Bruce King of Scots' and the Wilkinson family that is Wilkinson Sword 'By Appointment To His Majesty King'.
Princess Leah's relocation chart (left) exactly replicates Prince Andrew, Duke of York, His Royal Majesty King Charles III. Queen Consort of the UK Camilla , & Catherine, Princess of Wales .When you share the same rising sign you notice a lot of shared theme throughout your life. In multiple areas you have so many connections. This is a great foundation of compatibility. In Astrocartography Princess Leah's Venus descendant runs within 66km of Windsor, UK. Here, beautiful and pleasant people surround you. They attract you in a sensual and erotic way, and you long for closeness, tenderness and a passionate union. Through meeting artists of all kinds, you gain insights into the fascinating world of shapes, colours and sounds. This different way of living inspires your own creativity and conveys a feeling for a lighter, less complicated way of life.
Princess Leah is a 'Blue Resonant Eagle' in Mayan Astrology, the gift of 'Mystical Power'
I channel in order to create
Inspiring Mind
I seal the output of vision
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of
In Mayan Astrology your Galactic Dreamspell is your kinship clan. His Royal Majesty King Charles 111, Queen Camilla and Princess Leah of Scotland share the Galactic Signatures of Castle 5-The Green Central Castle of Enchantment & Earth Family - Polar. Sarah, The Duchess of York shares the Earth Family - Polar and the Clan - Sky with Princess Leah of Scotland. Both Sarah and Leah are part of the Mayan 'Blue Eagle' Tribe. Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, an empowered global visionary. In your vision, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global consciousness. Princess Catherine of Wales shares the Clan - Truth with Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, His Royal Majesty King Charles III & Princess Beatrice of York. Princess Eugenie of York shares the Galactic Signatures of Castle 5-The Green Central Castle of Enchantment with His Royal Majesty King Charles 111, Queen Camilla and Princess Leah of Scotland.
French Astrologer, Michel de Nostredame (December 1503 – July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was an apothecary, physician, and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties (published in 1555), a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. 'He combined over a thousand quatrains into cryptic 4-line poems'. Nostradamus quatrain 10/22 reads, In one quatrain (stanza), published in 1555, the sagacious Frenchman predicts that King Charles III — the ‘King of the Islands’ — will be ‘forced out’, and ‘a man who never expected to be king’ will ascend the throne. The quatrain predicted the exact age at which The Queen would die, according to Mario Reading’s 2005 book 'Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future'. After the Queen’s death, says Nostradamus, her successor will abdicate. “Because they disapproved of his divorce, a man who later they considered unworthy; The People will force out the King of the islands; A Man will replace who never expected to be king.”. The Compleat Works of Nostradamus' is available online, compliments of Arcanaeum Library in Scandinavia. With Aquarius ruling the eighth house of death for King Charles III & his Queen consort Camilla this death is likely unexpected, quick, and painless. People with this placement typically pass very unexpectedly in some bizarre accident, shocking everyone around them. This death might even be related to their friends; they might die at the same time as some of their friends, while with a friend. Prince Andrew of York also has this placement in his Astrology Chart. According to royal protocol, two direct heirs to the throne must take separate flights while traveling, a failsafe in case something tragic happens en route. That means that King Charles and Prince William cannot fly together.
According to Prince Andrew's astrology transits, Nostradamus prophesy may have predicted the 'unexpected King' who was formerly His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, Duke of York, born second in the line of succession to the British throne, his birthright privilege. Prince Andrew's progressed Astrology Chart (left) has the Progressed North Node (destiny) conjunct the Progressed Ascendant. Progressed Ascendant usually indicates a new chapter of experience. The Node is where the path of the Sun and the Moon cross on the Ecliptic. Node is the relationship of the individual (Sun in eighth house of taboo subjects and inheritance) with the group (Moon in seventh house of relationship). With transiting North Node conjunct the Midheaven in Aries, Prince Andrew is able to further his public reputation and professional ambitions through his ability to harmonize with present social trends. Prince Andrew can meet and gain the support of those in positions of importance. Prince Andrew is in the right place at the right time. Prince Andrew will gain more power and responsibility and he is protected from ruin and disaster, even though heavily afflicted.
Princess Leah has Uranus and Pluto conjunct the Midheaven in Virgo (Work & Health) and a North Node (Destiny) and Jupiter (expansion) in Gemini the sixth house of work and health indicating that creativity and genius shine most brightly through career. If you stay true to yourself and are confident in your uniqueness, you will enjoy acceptance, success, recognition, & popularity. A promising career would involve creativity, invention, science, technology, aviation, computers, the internet, politics, or astrology, but the possibilities are endless. Flying solo is another good option, such as self-employment, consulting or contract work. You may change your career often, change roles, or have to travel or relocate to use your natural talents and gain fame and riches. Jim Carrey , actor and comedian, has Uranus conjunct his Midheaven in Leo. Princess Leah has a stellium of Aquarius planets and asteroids in her second house of what she values and Pluto is conjunct her natal Mars at the time of writing this webpage. Aquarius, the eccentric thinkers and humanitarians of the zodiac, possess a unique set of qualities that make them exceptional individuals. Their innovative thinking, intellectual prowess, and unwavering dedication to humanity set them apart.
In Mayan Astrology I am the Blue Resonant Eagle.
In life some things happen to people and I am one of them.
"If at first you don't succeed try, try, and try again" Robert the Bruce


Leah Maree Wilkinson is a Metaphysician & Social Scientist with a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology & Master of Counselling, Psychotherapy & Midwifery. Leah is a Member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Leah uses a blend of transpersonal psychology and evolutionary astrology to interpret the astrology chart. Leah’s strong belief in reincarnation and the development of the soul over many lifetimes motivates her esoteric practice. Princess Leah of Scotland has genetic markers, in her family that link her to her great grandfather, 'Robert the Bruce' King of Scots, appearing in the American Journal of Genetics in 2004 (DLG3-Family 260). Princess Leah's mother was not an obligate carrier of the X-linked recessive gene. Further research may reveal more genetic markers for specific branches of the Bruce family. Princess Leah appeared on a BBC documentary, produced by Charles Colville, 'Mutant Mouse', released on 22nd November 2004 across North America, discussing her family's journey with the DLG3 gene. Princess Leah appeared in the Australian Psychic Directory with Australia's most trusted Psychic Spiritual Medium Celebrity, Mitchell Coombes.
Princess Leah is childless by choice, despite being a second time divorcee. Princess Leah as the first born child spent the first 5 years of her life on a Houseboat at Rose Bay NSW Australia, at the starting line of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, frequenting number 1 Collins Avenue Rose Bay. Her first husband served in the Royal Australian Navy, nephew to British novelist, Louise Burfitt-Dons, , step-mother to 'Miko née Burfitt'. Princess Leah's second husband was a Senior Sergeant of Police in Bega NSW Australia, having trained as a NSW Police Detective in Sydney Australia with former NSW Police Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson, convicted murder (AKA 'Blue Murder Killer Cop'), who died on 21st January 2024, on the ingress of Pluto to Aquarius. Princess Leah served a tenure with her husband with AusAID on the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary project, between 1994-1998, during the Sandline International Affair, a political scandal to supply mercenaries and military equipment to eliminate secessionist leaders on Bougainville island. Princess Leah worked with the Australian High Commission in Papua New Guinea during that time to provide a Regimental Aid Post for the Royal Australian Army Engineering Corp, 12 Chief Engineer Works in Mendi, Southern Highlands. Princess Leah between 1995-1996 worked with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Cairns, Queensland Australia, providing health care to remote Aboriginal Communities on the Cape York Peninsula. In 2001 Princess Leah was awarded a Scholarship by Charles Sturt University to study and train at the NSW Police Academy. and she consequently graduated from her Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology in 2011, becoming first Registered as a Psychologist in 2012. Noteworthy, Princess Leah's second ex-husband guarded Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, the Duchess of York at Broken Hill NSW Australia in 1988 in his capacity as a serving Australian Police Officer.
Karma - Malleus Maleficarum
The Bruce women were captured by the English King Edward I, imprisoned in barbaric conditions, placed under house arrest and sent to convents for religious training by the English King, and all because they shared “a common danger of loyalty” to the newly crowned King of Scotland, Robert I. The Karma, Law of Threefold Return evolved with James VI, coined 'The King of Witchcraft', a direct descendant of Scotland's famous warrior King, Robert the Bruce. James VI was a Stuart king who ruled Scotland from 1567 until his death in 1625, and England from 1603 to 1625. King James was the first ruler to unite the two countries under one monarch after the Union of the Crowns in 1603. In 1590 King James VI of Scotland was the supposed target of diabolical witchcraft. This event set off a widespread witch-hunt in Scotland.
Princess Leah's Birthday Tarot Card is the Lovers. In the Kabbalah Leah is the Empress. Binah (meaning "understanding"; Hebrew: בִּינָה Bīnā) is the third sephira on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It sits on the level below Keter (in the formulations that include that sephirah), across from Chokhmah and directly above Gevurah. It is usually given four paths: from Keter, Chokhmah, to Gevurah and Tiphereth.
The Third Arcanum of the Kabbalah is represented by a woman dressed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and her head crowned with twelve stars. The symbol of the Queen of Heaven is the Empress of the Tarot. She is a mysterious, crowned woman seated with the scepter of command in her hand. The globe of the world is on top of the Scepter. She is Urania-Venus of the Greeks, the Christified Soul, the Celestial Mother.
The Divine Mother of the Third Arcanum is the particular Mother of each one of us. She is the Mother of our Being who must trample upon the moon, the lunar ego, in order for the twelve stars, the twelve faculties, to shine over Her head.
The Malleus Maleficarum recommended both torture and deception to obtain confessions from those accused of witchcraft. Scholars estimate that approximately 110,000 witch trials were held in Europe between 1450 and 1750, with half of the trials ending with execution. An estimated 4,000 to 6,000 people, mostly from the Scottish Lowlands, were tried for witchcraft in this period. Seventy-five per cent of the accused were women. The Law of Threefold Return, simply put, is people who do bad things will be punished, and all the good people in the world will have success and happiness. Higher law of Karma involves spiritual discipline. Robert the Bruce had Mars and Venus in Cancer conjunct his Imum Coeli 'Fighting for what he loves', his home and Family.
His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew has Mars and Venus in Capricorn in his sixth astrology house of 'Work & Health'. Despite stepping back from public duties and losing his military affiliations, Prince Andrew retained his title as the Duke of York and kept his place in the line of succession to the throne. With his Sun in Pisces in the eighth astrology house of 'Taboo subjects', he will fight for his inheritance and style, 'His Royal Highness the Prince', his line of succession to the throne, despite controversy. This planetary position blesses the native with a long life. Prince Andrew has a Leo Ascendent, Royalty is his identity, he enjoys his children and having fun.
Trisha Goddard, broadcaster and journalist in the UK, discussed Prince Andrew publicly regarding the FBI and Prince Andrew's alleged conduct. Trisha Goddard is famed for her positive outlook on life and overcoming adversity. However, 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Trisha Goddard's ex-husband, who was previously reported as her mystery boyfriend, is involved in a scandal with the Australian Government, in the State of NSW, after being involved with corruption in NSW Health. Trisha Goddard was married to Mr Peter Gianfrancesco for nearly two decades and has 'skeletons in the closet', that need to be discussed with INTERPOL and the Australian Federal Police. Princess Leah of Scotland is the victim of coercive threats including; being stalked, intimated and harassed, by Mr Peter Gianfrancesco, former NSW State Manager of Neami National, after reporting his staff to the 'Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with a Disability' Mr Gianfrancesco worked and lived at Gladesville Psychiatric Hospital in NSW Australia between 1979-1983 during the controversial Richmond Report into the abuse of the mentally ill in institutionalised care. Mr Gianfrancesco is guilty of an offence after 'directing or inciting unprofessional conduct' of a Registered Health Practitioner, and the matter is currently being investigated by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. In 2016 Princess Leah was seconded by the NSW Health-Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Directorate, as a Co-ordinator for the Far West Mental Health Recovery Centre at Broken Hill NSW Australia, contract managed by Mr Peter Gianfrancesco, in his former role as the NSW State Manager of Neami National.
Prince Andrew has heavy responsibilities in his domestic and family life. Progressed Mercury (communication) and Venus (love & money) are also in the progressed seventh house of relationship. A new exciting start for Prince Andrew with transiting Pluto conjunct his natal Venus and Mars. Princess Leah's progressed Midheaven is in Scorpio conjunct her Progressed Neptune, conjunct Prince Andrew's Natal Moon in synastry. Prince Andrew's Progressed Midheaven is in Gemini conjunct Princess Leah's natal Jupiter. Gemini is the King of Comedy in the Zodiac. Prince Andrew has Saturn in Capricorn, conjunct Princess Leah's Ascendant and Moon in her first astrology house of identity. Saturn represents spirituality and past life karmic debts, emphasizing the importance of finding one's way and the power of love and peace in overcoming life's challenges. Karmic debt...cashing in can be fun !!! Prince Andrew's Mars and Venus are conjunct Princess Leah's Mars indicating romantic and sexual compatibility. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius concludes his relationship with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, and the rebirth is the evolution into Aquarius, his 7th House of relationship. Sarah's progressed Ascendant conjunct progressed Saturn in Leo (Prince Andrew's Ascendant) suggest the end of a relationship. Sarah also has her progressed Moon (cycle of emotional evolution) and progressed Uranus (sudden unexpected change) in her 7th House of relationship.
Medical Intuitive
Prediction 20th January 2023 with Pluto Ingress to Aquarius:
Sarah has Gemini as a ruler & Cancer (rules the breast in astrology) in her eighth astrology house of death, and with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer may die at home.
'Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson diagnosed with aggressive form of skin cancer' on 22nd January 2024. Aquarius rules the skin in Astrology. Breast Metastasis From a Melanoma. Melanoma is the most rapidly increasing cancer in Caucasians, and 20% of patients diagnosed with melanoma will develop metastasis via hematogenic or lymphatic routes. Melanoma can spread to lymph nodes, secondary sites in the skin, and distant organs such as the breast. Gemini, ruler of the Duchess of Yorks's eighth astrology house, is associated with death by lung disease possibly a secondary carcinoma.
Prince Andrew may start another relationship for companionship at the Royal Lodge with the Crown lease expiring in 2078. Neptune in the fourth house of home may drive Prince Andrew from the Royal Lodge as the house has a serious damp problem and needs a new roof. Neptune in the fourth may imply plumbing leaks or water damage, the discovery of toxic substances in the basement.
Leah is the 22nd x Great Granddaughter of 'Robert the Bruce' King of Scots. Robert I (11 July 1274 – 7 June 1329), popularly known as Robert the Bruce (Scottish Gaelic: Raibeart an Bruis), was King of Scots from 1306 to his death in 1329. Robert led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. 'Robert the Bruce' fought successfully during his reign to restore Scotland to an independent kingdom and is regarded in Scotland as a national hero. Her Royal Highness Princess Leah of Scotland is also a descendant of Captain Henry Wilkinson of the first convict voyage on the Ship 'Larkins' to Australia from England on 20 July 1817 and arrived in Sydney on 22 November 1817. On 8 December 1793, at the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars, another ancestor of Princess Leah of Scotland, William Wilkinson, received a letter of marque from the British for the French ship 'Indispensable'. This authorised the ship 'Indispensable' to capture enemy vessels should the opportunity arise. In 1794 William Wilkinson discovered a strait between the Florida Islands and Guadalcanal to the southwest, and Malaita to the northeast, that he named the Indispensable Strait. On 5th November 1795, on her first convict voyage to Australia from England, 'Indispensable', under the command of William Wilkinson, sailed from England.
Her Royal Highness Princess Leah of Scotland trained at the Sydney Astrology School and is a Forrest Trained Evolutionary Astrologer.
"Astrologers are the traditional guardians of the sacred relationship between the earth and the sky"
Bernadette Brady